Veterans In Crisis

Veterans & Mental Health

Princeton Mindset truly cares about our veterans, and with that in mind, we offer a variety of mental health resources, information, treatment options and much more — many of which are frequently available to veterans and their families at no cost.

What many people may not realize - being in the military is a life-changing experience, and veterans can still experience vivid memories years after service. After retiring and returning home, veterans' post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms can become enhanced due to the obvious differences in civilian life. In fact, veterans are 15 times more likely to develop PTSD than civilians, and 11 to 20 percent of post-9/11 veterans struggle with PTSD when they return home. Opening up to a qualified mental health professional and getting involved in a support group reduces isolation and can tremendously help veterans suffering from PTSD.

Many veterans face obstacles in finding the mental health resources they need, and may not always be aware of the many free help centers, crisis hotlines and other resources available.

Our Programs

Our Center provides support for a variety of mental health conditions and other challenges, many of which are unique to our Veterans. Below are only some of the specific conditions and treatment options we focus on, among many others:

Effects of TBI
Military Sexual Trauma
Substance Use
Suicide Prevention

If you or anyone you know needs help, please feel free to reach out — either by completing the form or sending an email to the address below. There is no obligation, however, there might be a solution worth exploring together.