Mike Kogan

It only takes one step in the right direction to feel better, to feel empowered, to feel that you are once again on a positive path to being the true ‘you’.

Sometimes we may simply need another point of view, an angle that we may not be able to see on our own.

I have recently joined Princeton Mindset Group and I can tell you with all sincerity – I always look forward to my day! I love helping people uncover and tap into their real potential, and most of the time it is that simple. No one can change the past, however, you can always work to overcome your current challenges and position yourself for a better tomorrow.

While there are countless approaches and techniques that may help, nothing compares to real-life experience. I have seen it all. I have worked with people suffering from depression and I’ve helped victims of domestic violence. I have supported people in overcoming trauma and I’ve worked with military veterans, who often need more help than we may realize. I have worked with CEOs and high achieving people, however, I have also looked into the eyes of those down on their luck, victims of drugs and alcohol, people whose lives have been nearly forsaken.

We are all very different, and yet we all have issues and challenges. We all deal with stress, anxiety and self-doubt; we worry about our health, finances and our many complex relationships. Our challenges may be different, and yet they all share a common link - they are caused by human beings.

Sometimes we may simply need another point of view, an angle that we may not be able to see on our own. I love helping people uncover behavior patterns or negative perceptions that are likely holding them back from a better reality.

Featured Techniques

The Mind Circuit
5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique

I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals. Please call or email me for an individual, couples or a family consultation today.

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